Miami NFT Week 2023


Miami NFT Week 2023 cover

After the resounding success of Miami NFT Week 2022, we’d like to announce that Miami NFT Week will be back in 2023. Coming March 31st – April 2nd at the Mana Wynwood Convention Center, in the heart of Miami’s Arts and Entertainment District.

Miami NFT Week 2022

You don’t need a demographic study to tell you that Miami is unique and diverse. Those are 2 things that seemed lacking in the majority of NFT events throughout the country. Seeing that disparity, Ted Lucas, founder of Slip-n-Slide Records, Erik La Paglia, a Web3 venture investor, and self-proclaimed NFT evangelist, and our own Gianni D’Alerta started Miami NFT Week, and it didn’t disappoint.

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The 2022 version set a high bar. From local talent, like Miami-based speaker Ariana “The Techie” Waller, to Shark Mark Cuban and technology business expert Grant Cardone, the event was far more than local. In fact, the 3-day event attracted over 3,000 people and hosted 250 speakers

Miami NFT Week gave the Hispanic voice a unique opportunity to be heard. The Hispanic target market makes up about 18.4% of the US population. Millennial Hispanics are more likely than their white counterparts to hold crypto. Missing this huge market is

Miami NFT Week 2023 – A Look Ahead

The 2023 version will continue to bring a unique perspective to the NFT community. While highlighting the diversity of culture that Miami is known for, this version will focus on music, sports, gaming &, of course, art.

The goal for the 2023 event is to add more local speakers and add opportunities to learn about the Latin American market. It will also focus on digital music and culture, both primary reflections of South Florida.

New to 2023 is the Miami NFT Week Buildathon! An exciting and free interactive environment where participants will get to build alongside industry-leading artists and founders, using the latest NFT tools! The $10,000 cash & prizes are just a fraction of what this event could mean to artists and entrepreneurs. Prizes will be awarded to the winning team at the closing ceremony – Miami NFT Buildathon Demo Day!

“We have a built-in bias for Miami people, to bring our demographics to the fore,” says D’Alerta. “I’d love to see Miami NFT Week become a mix between South by Southwest and Comic-Con.”

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